Love won’t pay the bills: my best mistakes.

Recently, someone anonymously asked me on my Instagram story what my biggest mistake was. Here’s the thing, bud…in my twenty-odd professional years, I have made plenty of mistakes. Especially classic business mistakes—or what I’ll call normative business mistakes. But my biggest? My best? Hmm…
It’s definitely had me thinking, though, about how many of the confident decisions we make in our daily lives, and in business, are actually the direct, or indirect results of a prior mistake.
Not a unique notion, I know. Often people will say you learn from your mistakes, and I don’t disagree with that. It’s partly true; we do learn from mistakes. But, I think the lesson gets lost when it’s thought that by learning from mistakes, we’re learning not to make mistakes at all, and the fewer mistakes we make, the better our business will be. This—I disagree with.